Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Charity Water

We have our web page for Charity Water up now.
The kids are very excited. We (in the12 hours up) have raised $70! Almost a tenth of our goal!!
They were floored (as was I) with the fact that 4,500 kids die every day from water related diseases. Can you imagine that? If you would like to help click on the link and you will be taken to our page. Here are a few things you can do: Make a direct donation on our page. That's a no brainer. Do your kids want to get involved?? Have them join us in our efforts with a penny drive. We all have pennies everywhere; in our purses, drawers, sofa cushions, cars, the list is endless. They can ask friends and family to donate pennies. Then just roll them up (or visit a wonderful Coinstar) and cash em in and donate that to our page. We named our page Readathon because that's the other way we are raising money. If you wish to join us just comment here with your email address. I will give you more information and get you a pledge form. We are going to ask for pledges/hour. If your child reads for 20 hours over the next 65 days (that way we have time to collect and get everything in on time:91 days left to meet our goal) and someone sponsored them for say $.50/ hour, they would earn $10. How cool? Plus, they're reading mom's!! Anywho, thanks for considering it and remember: EVERY PENNY COUNTS!!!

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