Tuesday, June 3, 2008


The other day the kids and I were doing some science experiments called "Just Add Water". One experiment was great, in included this stuff called sodium polyacrylate, also known as water gel. If you are unfamiliar with this substance it is the magic powder inside a diaper. It absorbs massive amounts of water. It got me thinking alot about diapers. Not only do I have a 10 month old in diapers, I have had 3 other children who wore them. I could not even estimate the number of diapers I have purchased in my life and I am only 26!
I thought about how great a diaper is. My mom had to use cloth diapers for my 5 brothers. No diaper service (the wonderful people who come and pick up, drop off, and clean your diapers) either. That means boiling your own diapers ect... I sat thinking a moment about what my day would be like: Wake up start a load of laundry, make bed, make breakfast, get dressed, rinse and boil diapers, get kids dressed and their rooms picked up (bigger ones do it themselves), devotions, start school, switch laundry, start dishwasher, help with math, nurse the baby... I just couldn't even imagine how I could possibly manage. The convienance of disposable diapers is wonderful. The person who invented diapers had to be a mom! Unlike the very mean person who invented candy in the checkout line!

Just remember not to be like Water Gel (absorbing everything around you). Remember Romans 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will." Don't soak up the world. Be different, even if it is hard.

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