Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Sorry for the long lapse in posts, we had company for the long weekend. My hubby's brother and his wife and son visited for about 4 days. We had a great time and my kids miss them already. But now I must prepare for a weekend camping trip. Camping is fun. Packing for camping with 4 kids. Not so fun. Having to count skivy's for 6: not fun. Making sure everyone has both of their shoes: not so fun. How many towels? Bathing suits. Bug spray. Food. I mean holy cow. That's a lot of stuff for one person to remember. And when we get there and Amber doesn't have pj's or Claire has one shoe...Who is the person to blame??? Momma. That's right. yep.

Anyway, I have been pretty excited that my garden has been coming in. I picked some basil today!!! That is so amazing compared to last year when my lovely dog ate about the only 2 veggies that grew. A tomato and a green pepper. I did have a few cayenne's come in and they were great, but that was all. This year we are trying cherry tomatoes, basil, okra, cucumbers, green peppers, cayenne peppers, squash, carrots, radishes, and green beans. Everything is coming in great. I'm only 2 weeks in and it's looking promising :)
I hope that you all have a super relaxing weekend and I'll be back next week with lots of pictures!!

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