Well, I am very close to having everything we need for our school year. I have really had very little time to blog, so I figured I would do a post about what we're using this year and how things will be different from previous years.
First thing: I now have a 7th grader!! I can hardly believe it. I still remember our first day of kindergarten! It's amazing how quickly the time goes! Well, this year is going to be more challenging because instead of our science being for the whole group, Amber will be doing General Science...alone. Well, not completely alone, but without me reading it out loud and going over everything step by step with her like with the younger ones...yikes!
On top of this I am officially starting school with Nate. He has done plenty of pre-k stuff, but this year is kindergarten! Wow! Academically he could have started last year, but he wasn't ready in other ways. He couldn't sit still long enough to get anything out of school...at all! haha. Seriously though, he just couldn't handle it and our days would have been chaos and a battle that I wasn't willing to have. so I just decided to wait and I'm so incredible glad I did.
So here is my list of what we will use:
*Apologia who am I and what am I doing here? Bible study
Spelling Power for the 3 oldest
Mystery of History vol. 2
*Apologia Science Elementary Series-Astronomy
^Apologia General Science
^Language Lessons for the very young-Nate
^English for the Thoughtful Child 2-Noah
*Language Lessons for the Elementary Child 2-Claire
^Language Lessons for the High School Student- Amber
Mapping the World by Heart Ebay
+Latina Christiana II
+English From the Roots Up
Teaching Textbooks 7-Amber ebay
Teaching Textbooks 6-Claire ebay
math Mammoth 3-Noah
*Critical Thinking Co. Math A-Nate
Rosetta Stone Spanish, Latin America
*Explode the Code 1
Shakespeare with Children ebay (we are going to put on Romeo and Juliet this year!)
^Pictures in Cursive
^Printing with Pictures
*Callirobics (a writing program that helps with making smooth lines for neater printing and cursive readiness)
Reading Eggs-Nate (online reading program that we used last year and is one of the best reading programs I have ever used)
Most of this I purchased used either from our local homeschool bookstore that specializes in buying and selling used curriculum (I put a ^ next to everything purchased from there), or from ebay. In fact last night I purchased Amber's math for $85...which retails for $149 and Shakespeare with Children for about $10 cheaper than Amazon.
I really suggest looking around to find the best price. Unfortunately, now is not the time. Everyone (like me) is mad dash trying to find what they want for the upcoming school year. I suggest either spring or fall. It's really the best time to get the best deals...at least on ebay or amazon.
I start making preparations for the school year in May. That way I know what I want and start watching for it then. I picked up a few things at a used curriculum sale which is also a great place to find some cool things. (these are marked by a + )
Everything else was purchased at the homeschool conference in our state. I put an * next to everything purchased new (but never full price. I even bargain shop the conference. BTW Rainbow Resource is a very cheap place to get most homeschool goodies)
If you are ever looking for a good deal on homeschool resources look at Homeschool Buyers Coop too. You can sign up for their emails and they sell things at a percentage off. I am buying reading eggs 25% cheaper there and Math Mammoth will be 50% off starting August 1st. Rosetta Stone is regularly on there for 20% off their regular price as well.
Well, that's my list! If you'd like to ask any questions feel free to comment and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. I hope that you all have a great rest of your weekend!!
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love. 2 John 1:3
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Friday, April 27, 2012
I know, epic failure of a blogger. Honestly, I have had no desire to continue blogging. Life has become so busy I have made my priorities and this was not one. Our school year is coming to an end. My 6th and 2nd grader will test next week and then we only have a few more days. Then I will most likely get back on some sort of blogging routine. The reason I'm posting is really for HomeschoolFreebieoftheDay. They are having this awesome giveaway. Here is the link. Check it out. If that doesn't work here is another link. There are some serious goods here.
If you are not familiar with hsfotd, if you sign up you get a weekly email with a list of which freebies they will post on their site for each day of the week. For example, today's resource is access to a website that has K-12 Grammar lessons and exercises. I bookmarked it and plan to make full use of it. And it's free! I have countless audios (like Paul Revere, Abraham Lincoln, Little Women) which are old radio shows from their sister site. Check out their site and see what you think. And while you're their sign up for the giveaway.
If you are not familiar with hsfotd, if you sign up you get a weekly email with a list of which freebies they will post on their site for each day of the week. For example, today's resource is access to a website that has K-12 Grammar lessons and exercises. I bookmarked it and plan to make full use of it. And it's free! I have countless audios (like Paul Revere, Abraham Lincoln, Little Women) which are old radio shows from their sister site. Check out their site and see what you think. And while you're their sign up for the giveaway.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Don't Faint...I am posting two days in a row!!
But ok, moving on. I decided to show you my home made not so spectacular cards. They really aren't the cat's meow or anything...I was just using up stash.
The wreath is probably a little better, but again, not anything you haven't seen before, and not as good either. But without further adieu...
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Ok, so I have lots of pictures to take. First off, I have been busy.... when am I not busy??? But I have been making my own Christmas cards. I will put a 4x6 picture of the kids in each one. I have 3 different ones to put in. I also have several gifts to make. Once I finish them all I will post pictures of those. I also made a very cute wreath. I am sorry that I'm so lazy..haha. I will try to get them up this weekend.
The kids will be spending Sunday afternoon with some friends so I can get some stuff done. Tim has some things to do as well so he won't be here. A whole afternoon to actually get things done!! Can you imagine? I will get so much accomplished. I'm hoping that I can get EVERYTHING done, but if I can at least put a dent in my punch list I will be ecstatic!! How are you all spending your Christmas?? I can't share our plans yet, but they are very exciting :)
Here is one picture from our cards. Be back soon :)
Monday, November 28, 2011
Still here...
AAAhHH! Yes, I'm alive...
Mom came in the week before Thanksgiving and we have been busy with all the preparations for turkey day. 3 days of cooking and Black Friday shopping and Christmas decorating.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I did, but now I have some reality to deal with. Amber's birthday. Her 11th birthday. Does anyone else have a hard time dealing with birthdays??? I can't believe that 11 years ago right now I was miserably pregnant with my girl. She got up from bed a little while ago to tell me that her and her sister were still awake because they digested too much glucose... nuts.
When do they do that?? Grow up I mean. It's like one day you're changing diapers and the next day they know physics. Sigh...
So this will wrap up our birthday run for the year and I have 8 months before I go through this all again. I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week. My mom has 1 more week here so I won't have time to blog again for a while. I will try and get a few more in before Christmas.
Blessings :)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Catch up
Ok so I am posting a catch up here. 1st up, Claire's bday: She made the cake, it's an artist's palette. She loves art. She did a great job too. And she is totally loving her art supplies.
Here is our science project that we worked on today...Digestion Land!! So here we enter into...Digestion Land through the mouth, of course!
Here is Claire's Esophagus Drop Zone and Noah's Stomach Bounce Around
Nate and I worked on the small intestine roller coaster and Amber did the (mouth entrance above and the) Large intestine water slide.
And Claire decided to wrap up digestion with Basket "bowl" with toilet seats for baskets. I suggested Feces Foul Shots, but the kids weren't into that surprisingly enough. So I am leaving tomorrow for my weekend with some mommies. I am so looking forward to this!! I will be back for a few days and then my mom will be in for a few weeks so I may not be the best at posting...how unusual right??? So prayers for my hubs and the kiddos to have a blast while I'm away.
Oh, I almost forgot I finally downloaded pics of my
Friday, November 4, 2011
Well, hello!! Tomorrow we are having Claire's 9th birthday. I have been dying to give her the birthday gifts that have been sitting in my closet for over 2 weeks...so yay for that!! I went loco at Hobby Lobby (I LOVE that store!) and bought her beaucoup art supplies! I mean canvas', watercolor pencils, notebooks, pastels, how to sketch books, drawing pencils, a wooden human model, brushes, and other things I can't remember. Her Nana bought her a table easel that came with all new color pencils in the best colors. Even metallics and flourescents. She will be so excited!!
So, I made my chalkboard window that I have been putting off for ever. I was going to go with a magnet board, but I decided chalk was easier and I use my metal door for a magnet board. I'll take a picture tomorrow when I get my camera out for the birthday party.
I am already planning some cool Christmas crafts. I will start my crafting when my mom comes in on the 16th. We are going to spend our time around the house doing crafts and such. The kids love doing that stuff and making cookies all together.
Any Christmas plans? We have some but I can't talk about that yet. You'll have to wait till after Grammy leaves before I can spill those beans ;)
We will also be doing some Saturday school to make up for how much history and science we will be missing while she's here. yay for that. Well, I'm going to go watch Captain America so have a great night!!
So, I made my chalkboard window that I have been putting off for ever. I was going to go with a magnet board, but I decided chalk was easier and I use my metal door for a magnet board. I'll take a picture tomorrow when I get my camera out for the birthday party.
I am already planning some cool Christmas crafts. I will start my crafting when my mom comes in on the 16th. We are going to spend our time around the house doing crafts and such. The kids love doing that stuff and making cookies all together.
Any Christmas plans? We have some but I can't talk about that yet. You'll have to wait till after Grammy leaves before I can spill those beans ;)
We will also be doing some Saturday school to make up for how much history and science we will be missing while she's here. yay for that. Well, I'm going to go watch Captain America so have a great night!!
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